Welcome to New Members!

We are more than pleased to announce you that four new members joined our Coalition! Let’s find out more about each of them!

Sustainable Agriculture Programme for Liberia (SAP-LIBERIA) :

SAP-Liberia is a and non-governmental Organization, 100% Liberian own and operated. It offers humanitarian services agriculture, environment and other social works.

The institution addresses the needs of the poor, in all categories in desperate need of origin, race, religion, sex, culture, and opinion. It focuses on general agriculture and livelihood to promote farmers, environmental conservation through sustainable agricultural production and diversified community, general sanitation, education/capacity building training, social and economic development advocacies programs, using of the Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) methodology

Working closely with the people to serve humanitarian needs for quality lives, building a vibrant society for all through community-based efforts, it empowers the needy for self-reliance by targeting the vulnerable farming populations.

UTAP : Union Tunisienne de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche

The Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fisheries is a national, independent, democratic and unionized development and service organization, which aims at taking care of the farmers and fishermen, represent them, and defend their interests and protect their rights.

It was created on January 21, 1920 and was the first form of union organization of farmers in Tunisia and its struggle continued as a farmer’s fortress and as an active and visionary partner in the country, because it was the first national organization to obtain an ISO 9001 quality certificate.

UTAP is considered as an active social party that participates to the country’s development process. It is part of many national committees and councils related to the agriculture and marine fisheries field. It also plays the best trade union role thanks to a balanced structure which combines the role of supervision and mobilization of its basic, local and regional structures, as well as the role of specialized development embodied in the sectoral and specialized universities in which it works for professional and technical progress through more than 120 regional universities and 20 national sectoral and specialized universities.

Thanks to its geographical extension and its sectoral diversity, the union was able to spread throughout the territory with more than 220 local federations, 24 regional federations and more than 850 unions.

Kenya National Farmers’ Federation (KENAFF)

The Kenya National Farmers’ Federation (KENAFF) is the apex, umbrella farmers’ organization in Kenya; also known as the National Farmers’ Organization (NFO). It was founded in 1946 in Nakuru as the Kenya National Farmers Union (KNFU). KENAFF is a non-political, not-for-profit and democratic membership-based organization. The federation’s core mandate is to represent, articulate, promote and protect the interests of Kenyan farmers through lobby, advocacy, policy action and farmer empowerment; embodied in the
federation’s motto: The Farmers’ Voice/ Sauti ya Mkulima.

KENAFF has self-evident competencies in farmer mobilization, organization and empowerment; deliberate policy influence and provision of farmer-driven agriculture, livestock and environment extension services. The federation also has a rich repertoire of other agricultural development skills including, capacity building (through education and training) for farmers and farmers’ organizations; nurturing linkages along different
agricultural product value chains; introduction, promotion and up-scaling of climate-smart technologies; and developing and promoting sustainable pathways for wealth creation among the farmers of Kenya.The federation has an inherent experience in the formation and development of farmer groups and associations.

ADOMUCA; Asociación Dominicana Mujeres en Café 

To empower women in the Dominican coffee production chain, contributing to improve their quality of life, providing them with the tools that will enable them to develop leadership that will have an impact on their community.

Vision: To be the organisation that represents Dominican women linked to coffee activity, supporting their development and sustainability initiatives.

Strategic Objective: To prioritise the improvement of the living conditions of women linked to coffee activity through training, promotion, commercialisation and business strengthening.

General objectives: To promote the leadership of women producers at national and international levels and develop a code of ethics that respects the vital norms of pluralism, human rights and a balanced right to information among the membership.
Moreover, to implement education policies aimed at women and training in gender, leadership and self-esteem in order to strengthen their role within the organisation.
To conclude, promoting and encouraging health, food, nutrition and basic sanitation programmes, prevention and health promotion campaigns.

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