농부시장의 가치 재확인…”협력과 연대로 구체적 액션 나서야”
농부시장 마르쉐가 2012년 10월 서울 대학로 마로니에 공원에서 첫 시장을 연 지 올해로 꼬박 11년이 지났다. 이후 동대문디자인플라자를 근거로 한 ‘얼굴있는 농부시장(얼장)’, 천주교 서울대교구 우리농운동본부의 ‘명동 보름장’, 양평의 ‘두물뭍 농부시장’, 당진의 농부시장 ‘당장’, 파주 헤이리의 ‘햇빛장’, 제주 생산자들이 주축이 된 ‘All(올)바른 농부장’과 ‘자연그대로 농민장터’ 등 저마다 다른 색깔을 지닌 농부 시장들이 지역 곳곳에 장을 열었다.
Read the full article on Agrinet’s website.
世界のファーマーズ・マーケットをネットワーク化する新組織がローマで発足 Italy [Roma]
イタリア農業生産者団体「コルディレッティ」によると、イタリアはヨーロッパでファーマーズ・マーケットのネットワークが最も充実している国だという。そのイタリア・ローマで2023年5月22日、同団体による「世界ファーマーズ・マーケット連盟(以下WFMC)」が発足した。国連食糧農業機関(FAO)の、農業システムの改革を目指すプラットフォーム「食糧連合(Food Coalition)」で選ばれた「10のプロジェクト・ポートフォリオ(The 10 Projects Portfolio)*1」の1つで、持続可能な環境と農業経済システムを世界に普及させることが目的だ。
Read the full article on The Cuisine Magazine’s website.
Junta Local Vai: WorldFMC e International Public Market Conference
Recentemente a Junta Local participou de encontros internacionais relacionados a mercados, a Assembleia Geral da World Farmers Market Coalition (WorldFMC), em Roma, a International Public Market Conference, em Toronto, e o Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment na FAO, também em Roma. Abaixo um breve relato destes eventos por Thiago Nasser, co-fundador da Junta Localque representou nossa comunidade nas três ocasiões e que agora também é membro do Conselho Diretor da WorldFMC, como representante das Américas.
Read the full article on Junta Local’s website.
Investing in Farmers Markets as Vehicles for Innovation
During the recent U.N. Food Systems Summit Stocktaking Moment, the World Farmers Markets Coalition highlighted the role farmers markets can play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
The World Farmers Markets Coalition was launched after the first U.N. Food Systems Summit in 2021. Today, its members, which span 70 countries, point to the many possibilities that farmers markets offer. When managed successfully, they believe that markets can yield many benefits including preserving biodiversity, empowering women, providing agency to consumers, and mitigating risks for farmers.
Read the full article on Food Tank’s website.
World Farmers Markets Coalition, al Via Gemellaggi di 25Mila Mercati Contadini nel Mondo
Fondazione Campagna Amica “sposa” un’associazione del farmers markets della città ucraina di Kamianets-Podilskyi.
Via ai gemellaggi dei 25mila mercati contadini riconosciuti e strutturati presenti oggi in quasi cinquanta Paesi nel mondo, per un bacino di utenza stimato in oltre 300 milioni di consumatori. È l’iniziativa lanciata dalla World Farmers Markets Coalition, promossa da Coldiretti e Campagna Amica in occasione della Giornata mondiale della Biodiversità che si festeggia a Roma con l’organizzazione della prima mostra mercato “internazionale” a Palazzo Rospigliosi, con agricoltori e prodotti provenienti da tutto il mondo.
Read the full article on Campagna Amica’s website.
World Farmers Markets Coalition: Inaugural General Assembly
In 2017, along with a group of other market managers and supporters, and with the help of a USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program Grant, I helped to restart the Alaska Farmers Market Association (AFMA), aimed at supporting a vibrant and sustainable market community across the state. We’ve worked hard to create resources, like our interactive directory and toolkits, to support the growth and resilience of farmers markets. As of spring 2023, we now have 64 markets operating in Alaska – up from just 13 in 2005.
Read the full article by Robbi Mixon on the Alaska Food Policy Council blog.
Nasce la più grande rete al mondo di mercati di contadini: 25mila realtà in 50 Paesi
L’iniziativa, promossa da Coldiretti e Campagna Amica, è stata lanciata dalla World Farmers Markets Coalition e coinvolge 300 milioni di consumatori. Tra i gemellaggi più significativi quello con il Future Food Institute guidato da Sara Roversi per formare i ragazzi
Se i mercati contadini di tutto il mondo si uniscono, può nascere una rete potente e solidale, in grado di vincere sfide e battaglie con la forza dell’unione e della condivisione di obiettivi. In primis quelli che riguardano il consumo di prodotti freschi, sani e stagionali come stimolo per i consumatori, a partire dai giovani.
Read the full article on Il Gusto & La Repubblica.
Episode 244: Live from Rome at the World Farmers Market Coalition
What happens when farmers market managers from 50 countries assemble in Europe to talk about strengthening local food systems, shortening food chains, preserving biodiversity, and protecting small farmers?
Listen to this week’s episode where we follow Catt on the road as she attends the FIRST general assembly of the World Farmers Market Coalition in Rome! Their mission is to cultivate and promote intentional, managed farmers markets and we were thrilled to attend.
Listen to the full podcast hosted by Catt Fields White on Farmers Market Pros.
Napa Farmers Market: From Napa to Rome for the love of farmers markets
“I started working for the Napa Farmers Market in 2018 because I believe deeply in our mission of supporting the livelihood of small, local farmers by connecting them directly to our community to grow connections, relationships, and, of course, sales. I never dreamed that five years later I would be invited, along with people from every continent, to participate in the inaugural General Assembly of the World Farmers Market Coalition in Rome, Italy.”
Read the full article by Cara Mae Wooledge on the Napa Valley Register.
Want To See the Future of the Food System In Action? Visit Your Local Farmers Market!
“I just returned from Italy after attending the first General Assembly of the World Farmers Market Coalition, which concluded earlier this week in Rome. Food Tank’s friend Richard McCarthy, who’s been doing important work for years bringing farmers and consumers closer together, is leading the organization, and it was wonderful to see such a strong coalition of agricultural and community development leaders.”
Read the full article by Danielle Nierenberg on Food Tank.
First meeting of World Farmers Markets Coalition opens in Rome
The first General Assembly meeting of the World Farmers Markets Coalition (WorldFMC) opened in the Italian capital city of Rome on May 21 with the participation of more than 100 delegates who are community and agricultural development leaders from over 50 countries around the world.
Read the full article by Thanh Binh on Nhan Dan Online here.
General Assembly Video Recap
Ministry of Industry, Trade and Small Industries and the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce shared this video recap from the 2023 GA in Rome.
Watch the video here.
WorldFMC Secretary General, Carmelo Troccoli visits Tunisia and presents farmers markets as a tool to promote a more sustainable and fair food systems
“The creation of farmers’ markets in Tunisia is an alternative way to promote a fairer and more sustainable food system. The Italian experience in this field can be replicated in the country, says Carmelo Troccoli, Secretary General of the World Farmers Market Coalition (WFMC), an alliance of farmers created shortly after the COVID-19 crisis to promote and support farmers’ markets worldwide.” Read the full article here on Agence Tunis Afrique Presse.
For another article related to the occasion, visit ANSAmed.
“All the World is a Market”
In fall 2022, WorldFMC Supporter Member, Market Cities, shared a beautiful article written by Steve Davies, Co-Founder of Project for Public Spaces – about how “All the World is a Market” and he highlights WorldFMC, describing how “Farmers markets are now global”!
Check out the full article here on Market Cities.
New Report Highlights Global Farmers Markets Creating Alternatives to Industrialized Food System
The Centro Studi Divulga, in collaboration with the World Farmers Market Coalition(WFMC), recently published a report articulating pathways for global farmers markets to cultivate lasting alternatives to the industrialized food system.
The report aims to provide insights for the new WFMC, which recently launched at the U.N. Food Systems Pre-Summit to facilitate the establishment of farmers markets around the world. Looking across independent, civil society-led farmers markets in Australia, Denmark, Ghana, Italy, Japan, Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States, the researchers compare tools to boost direct selling.
Richard McCarthy and Carmelo Troccoli on the World Farmers Market Coalition
On “Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg,” Dani interviews Richard McCarthy and Carmelo Troccoli about the World Farmers Market Coalition. The newly launched coalition aims to promote and support farmers markets around the world. McCarthy, writer, speaker, and community development specialist, and Troccoli, Executive Director of Campagna Amica, talk about the role of farmers markets in shaping food systems transformations.
Coldiretti, Ecco la Coalizione Mondiale dei Farmers Market per la Transizione Ecologica
In occasione dell’avvio inaugurale del pre-summit Onu sui sistemi alimentari alla presenza della vicesegretaria generale dell’Onu Amina J. Mohammed è stata promossa la prima Coalizione Mondiale dei Farmers Market con contadini e i loro prodotti provenienti da tutto il pianeta al mercato di Campagna Amica della Coldiretti a Roma. Una risposta concreta alla richiesta di cibi sani e locali da parte dei consumatori e alla necessità garantire gli approvvigionamenti alimentari in tutto il mondo dove cresce del 15% la povertà alimentare a causa dell’emergenza sanitaria.