July 2022 WFMC Virtual Meeting

Yesterday, we met virtually to reflect on the past year for the World Farmers’ Market Coalition, as well as discuss on our future plans.  We were so grateful to have 22 attendees joining us – ranging from those just waking up and having their first coffee of the day to those who were preparing for bed and very soon to sleep. Such is the life of a global coalition – collaborating from all over the world. We reminded ourselves that the initial idea began just over a year ago and that our first member gathering was in Rome last July – with only 12 member organizations. Some members, like those representing farmers markets in Canada, joined in on these meetings even with one week’s notice.  

Fast forward to May of 2022, and we are more than 30 organizations representing countries all over the world. This number is only growing – as we are in conversation with many more.  During this year, it has been incredible to see the growth, excitement, and engagement around this coalition. While we are still in our infancy and determining exactly how we will structure ourselves, we are all strong in our values around shortening the supply chain and building environmental, social, and economic sustainability in communities through farmers markets.  We are enthusiastic for these existing collaborations and for future ones – and for the adventurous road ahead. 

by Christina Ermilio

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