From war to cataclysmic floods and fires, life within the biosphere feels more and more fragile. Are we humans capable of navigating these perilous times? At times, I have my doubts. However, when I consider the extraordinary work that so many of you are accomplishing in your own communities, your own bioregions, it gives me hope. Last month in Alexandria, Egypt, the Chamber of Commerce overcame remarkable odds to establish Egypt’s first 21st century farmers market, amidst considerable fanfare, dialogue across the Mediterranean between Italian and Egyptian advocates for the Mediterranean diet and how actions, like the development of new farmers markets, can elevate the importance of traditional agriculture teamed up with innovative direct marketing strategies. This first glimpse of measurable progress of the MAMi Farmers Market Project. Three cheers to Eman Seif and the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce!
Meanwhile, the WorldFMC International Secretariat team led a mission to Peru to explore if and how to build upon existing territorial food systems work supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Mountain Partnership (FAO), and of course the remarkable work of our member, Agroferias in Lima. And then, almost at the same moment, we joined forces with our beloved partner, HealthBridge of Canada, to animate a booth at the mega event, the World Urban Forum in Cairo, Egypt. We will be reporting on all of these exciting developments.
Next month, we look forward to staging our digital mid-term General Assembly, and see elsewhere in the newsletter information about our very special November Studio, 20 November.